Humanoids Wins Awards: Top 250 Fastest Growing Companies and FD Gazellen
We’re excited to share that Humanoids has recently received two significant recognitions: inclusion in the Top 250 Fastest Growing Companies in the Netherlands and the FD Gazellen Award. These achievements not only highlight our growth but also underscore our ongoing commitment to innovation and talent development.

Top 250: Growing with a Vision
Each year, the Top 250 Fastest Growing Companies in the Netherlands are recognized by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and nlgroeit. This list highlights companies that excel in achieving sustainable growth. For us, this recognition confirms that we are on the right track with our strategy, continuously investing in our people, processes, and innovation. Although we couldn’t attend the award ceremony, this acknowledgment is a meaningful testament to the progress our team has made.

FD Gazellen: fourth year in a row
Winning the FD Gazellen Award is particularly special for us, as this marks the fourth consecutive year we’ve received this honor. The FD Gazellen recognizes companies that achieve not only growth but do so in a healthy and sustainable way. This award aligns perfectly with our mission to train the next generation of UX designers and developers. It is a recognition of our commitment to quality, innovation, and the value we deliver to our clients.

Vooruit kijken
Het winnen van deze prijzen is een belangrijke mijlpaal voor Humanoids. Ze bevestigen dat we in staat zijn om zowel financieel gezond te blijven als bij te dragen aan de ontwikkeling van technologie en talent. Toch zien we deze prijzen vooral als een aanmoediging om door te gaan met het verbeteren van onze dienstverlening en het blijven investeren in ons team.
We kijken met vertrouwen naar de toekomst en zijn vastbesloten om onze groei voort te zetten, met de focus op zowel innovatie als het verder ontwikkelen van ons talent.