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Websites and apps accessible from 2025? Then you need to start now!

Robbin Habermehl
Robbin Habermehl
Founder & Developer
Inaccessible website illustration

The original purpose of the World Wide Web was to make information accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, due to growing digitalization, this is far from always the case. For many people with disabilities, it is often very difficult to get around online.

This realization has finally dawned on the government; now it's time for companies to catch on. In 2025, new legislation will come into force requiring websites and apps to comply with internationally applicable guidelines for accessible online content. Not only the Netherlands, but the entire European Union will be affected. It is important to start this as soon as possible as a company, not only to comply with the law but to broaden your target audience, stand out in the market and
just make your product and/or service better for everyone. But what exactly is accessibility and why is it so important? Humanoids shows why you should start now. And especially where.


June 28, 2025. That's the day that national accessibility legislation goes live and companies must start complying with it. And that seems further away than it actually is. At Humanoids, we see companies focusing on accessibility only when they are required to do so. A shame. After all, a website or app does not become accessible by itself. Making a website accessible is making a change in your design and development process. This process needs a lot of research to better understand your target audience.

An accessible website

What exactly is an accessible Web site? An accessible website means that it is usable by as many people as possible, by taking into account different abilities of target groups when building it. Also for people with disabilities. Think about the blind and visually impaired, or people with a motor disability. But also low-literate or less digitally literate people fall under this target group. All in all, this equals a group of 4 million users in the Netherlands alone. In addition, everyone can be limited by temporary circumstances. Think of being injured, stressful situations, bright sunlight or too much noise around you. The boundaries of being limited are shifting because of digital innovations. More and more is being asked of people.

Ultimately, everyone needs to easily access, navigate and use a website's content. Inclusiveness is important, offline and online.

The biggest benefit of an accessible website is that everyone can use your website. Even people without disabilities, experience your website as more enjoyable. But there are more benefits. An accessible website makes you easier to find, gives you a larger range, is cost-saving in the long run and distinguishes you from your competitors. So a win-win situation, if you ask us. But it actually also falls under the social responsibility of an organization.

First signs of a non-accessible website

We currently see that many companies have no idea that their websites and apps are not sufficiently accessible, especially to people who are blind, visually impaired, colorblind or low-literate. As a result, website use is perceived as unpleasant. It is almost impossible for them to buy a product or read text through a web shop. Companies are often unaware of this. How do you recognize that your website is not accessible?

Start by looking at your customer base, the products and services you offer and collect data on current usage. Do you see people getting stuck or dropping out and can you identify this group? Then see if these similarities clash with what you are asking of your customers to use your products and services. It is also important to keep an eye on the market, social media and society. People with disabilities or vulnerabilities are a lot more articulate than they used to be and give plenty of signals about what they are up against. Keep a close eye on developments within online accessibility and continuously assess whether your website and apps comply with this.

A continuous and multidisciplinary process

How do you make sure your website is accessible? One simple answer does not exist.
In fact, accessibility is a process that involves continuity and multidisciplinarity.
Moreover, what is and isn't accessible depends very much on the products and services involved.

What capacities and skills do these require of the user? So it's important is to keep doing research. This will give you insight into your online landscape.

It is often thought that making a Web site accessible is the job of Web developers.
Nothing could be further from the truth. There are lots of teams responsible. Think of developers and UX-
designers but also marketers, product owners, data analysts, software architects and managers. Each function contributes something. Creating a good accessible Web site takes time. Moreover, start as soon as possible, especially if you are building a new Web site. Retrofitting to measures costs more energy, time and money.

Source: Verbraak, R. (2022, Oct. 27). Websites and apps accessible from 2025? Then start now!" on Frankwatching.

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