Read the interview with Maurice: Lead Front-end Developer ✌️

Lean UX

Spending months on a digital product based upon a functional design? We don't do that.

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Learn fast, adjust quickly

It's actually quite weird that not so long ago, digital projects were often worked on for months at a time without validating. With that, you only found out after release whether what was created worked. And with that you lost a lot of time and a lot of euros. And you run an awful risk. We do our work entirely at the service of the end user, working purposefully and efficiently. We want to know as quickly as possible whether what we have thought up works, which is why we work in short cycles, prototype and test continuously. This is how we stay as agile as possible.

Photo of a group of UX designers

Lean UX methods

All the methodologies we deploy align with Lean UX thinking.

Agile teams

We believe in intensive collaboration within multidisciplinary teams. A full project team with roles such as UX Designers, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner. Of these, the client also fulfills roles. So: no design team throwing images over the fence at the development team. And as much direct communication as possible.

Validation is key

Everything we make we want to validate with real users. After all, they are the only ones who can properly judge our work. That's why we often start projects with a Design Sprint including Usability Test. Of course we work agile. During sprints of 2 weeks we use fixed Usability Testing moments (often every 2 sprints). This way we keep the user involved. That is the most important indication of the quality of our work.

Prototyping instead of meetings

We don't want to waste time on endless discussions about what is or is not a good idea. We like to leave that question to the end user. Besides, a prototype says more than a thousand words. That's why we like to show what we mean that way.

Focus on MVP

We are not focused on putting a complete product live, but on getting as small a version as possible, live, as quickly as possible, so that we can learn more. And can keep improving. In other words, a Minimum Viable Product. Going live is not a success in itself. Only a good user experience is.

Minimal Overhead

The entire team is focused on increasing success for the end user. Therefore, we try to waste as little time as possible on meetings, reporting and inefficient digital communication.

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