Read the interview on child-friendly design: all the guidelines for effective UX for kids✌️

Hire a React Developer

Need someone to help build your application? We build interfaces that work, using the latest tech. We love frameworks.

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Een developer met code op een scherm

Hire a React Developer at Humanoids

The right Front-end Developer for you? That's a skilled specialist who seamlessly integrates into your team. And, of course, writes scalable and maintainable code. Strong communication skills are key for us.

React specialists

React is Humanoids' framework of choice. Our specialists are experts, and we handle large projects with it.

Strong communication skills

The success of teamwork: inherently strong communication skills. That's what we rigorously select for.


What makes you strong in tech? Passion for the field and the drive to do your best work. That's the heart of Humanoids.


Humanoids trains all its own specialists and selects academics for that purpose. The result? Experts who excel.


Humanoids trains all its own specialists internally. This ensures a continuous flow of specialists who excel in their field. This also allows us to anticipate market demand excellently and, unlike other parties, we have sufficient availability.

Our work


More companies have chosen Humanoids. So, you're in good company!

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Wesley Raven

Want to know more?

Wesley Raven
Business Development Manager

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