MyPerfectFit is an extension of the existing Perfect Fit brand. We redesigned the current platform to achieve higher conversion rates. The focus was on improving usability by optimizing the user flow. In addition, the branding also received a make over to better reflect personalized nutrition. The website will be used mainly in the German market, which is why only research was conducted with German respondents.

Stakeholder - and User interviews
Throughout the project, stakeholders and users were constantly involved in the process. Stakeholder interviews were used to define the goal and scope.
By interviewing users, the motives of users were identified and where improvements needed to be made in the customer journey.

A clearer, consistent and compelling flow was created. Starting from the landing page which gradually progresses to the pet quiz which will lead to a clear customized nutrition plan. The style of the website has been taken in hand to form a professional yet playful look. More information about the custom recipe has been added to make the concept clearer. In addition, expert tips were implemented in the pet quiz to emphasize MARS' expertise. This builds more trust among users.

Usability testing
To validate that our design matches our goals and user needs, usability tests were conducted. The design was created as a prototype and presented to German pet owners. With this test we found out whether the users were convinced enough about the professionalism of the brand, how they experienced the new pet quiz and whether the personalized concept was communicated clearly enough. Based on the research data, recommendations were drawn up for further development of the platform.